At This is Hair, we gather the affluent hairstylist of the industry, as well as hair enthusiasts alike – in one common. Stay tune on This is Hair as we bring the local and international information right at your fingertips!
Co-Founded by Lisa Pung who have more than 18 years of experience in the printed magazine on the Hairdressing industry.
We broadcast international and local news, produce interactive and engaging digital content for hair brands, distributors, salons, hair professionals and hair expo organisers.
This is Hair shall transform the conventional printed advertisement, editorial, hair show and interview experience to Real-Time, fostering Better Connection and Communication between advertisers and viewers.
Our mission is to be the most recognized and influential digital hair media in the region.
This is Hair –连接东南亚美业的线上媒体平台。聚集国内外美业大咖和美发爱好者在一个共同的线上空间互通交流讯息, 传播美业最新资讯,为美发品牌、经销商、发廊、美业从业员和美发博览会单位制作双向互动和吸睛的在线内容,紧贴美业最新潮流动向!
由拥有超过18年出版专业美发杂志经验的Lisa Pung联合创立。她策划过无数场美发秀,美发比赛,专业美发展览会,全国巡回路演,品牌推介会等等的活动。身为马来西亚唯一的专业美发杂志主编,几乎跑遍全球的专业美发展,也被受邀出席品牌在世界各地举办的活动,累积下了在马来西亚及东南亚的优质人脉资源。